77 Posts
November 28, 2023
Can coffee cause, cure or prevent cancer?New research indicates that coffee may contribute to a lower risk for developing several other cancers,
October 10, 2023
Does a Mediterranean-style diet reduce cancer risk?Research shows the nutrients in the popular Mediterranean diet may help lower cancer risk, boost treatment effectiveness for patients and even prevent a recurrence.
June 29, 2023
Grilling and cancer: 7 tips for healthy BBQsResearch shows that cancer risk from outdoor grilling depends on how often you eat grilled fare, the cooking method you use and the types of foods you choose.
April 4, 2023
What cancer patients should know about the neutropenic dietIf you have neutropenia, your health care provider may suggest a neutropenic diet, a modified neutropenic diet or following food safety guidelines.
March 6, 2023
What’s driving higher colorectal cancer rates in young adults?While overall cases and deaths have declined, especially among older adults, colorectal cancer diagnoses have increased dramatically among young adults.
December 20, 2022
Can a plant-based diet help patients better recover from cancer treatment?Eating a plant-based diet has so many proven benefits and may help cancer patients better manage treatment-related side effects and help them stay strong during their recovery.
November 29, 2022
Does soy cause cancer?If you’re looking for a protein-packed alternative to meat, soy may be a good choice for you. But maybe you’ve heard a few things about soy and its connection to cancer.
October 26, 2022
Natural vs. refined sugars: What's the difference?No evidence has been found that sugar causes or even helps cancer grow, but it may contribute to an unhealthy lifestyle that increases cancer risk.
September 7, 2022
Seafood is an important part of a cancer patient’s diet, but so is knowing where it came fromFish is an excellent source of low-fat protein, but patients struggling with digestive issues brought on by cancer treatment may find the texture and aroma unappetizing.
The information contained in this blog is not intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider prior to starting any new treatment or with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Nothing contained in the blog is intended to be used for medical diagnosis or treatment of any illness, condition or disease.