While there is a plethora of knowledge out there today about cancer, there are still many questions about which foods may cause cancer and which foods may help reduce risk. With so much information, it can be tricky to decipher the myths from the truths.
Here are some answers to common questions about diet, nutrition and cancer.
Does sugar feed cancer?
There is no conclusive research that proves sugar makes cancerous cells grow. While it is true that cancer cells have a need for sugar as well as other nutrients, nearly every cell in the body has a need for glucose (a naturally occurring sugar). If you were to completely avoid all sources of natural sugars found in grains, vegetables, fruits, milk and beans, you would starve healthy cells, which could result in malnutrition.
Experts recommend you decrease consumption of refined sugars found in foods like soda, candy and baked goods, and get your sugar intake from natural sources. Fruit is an excellent source of sugar, and contains many vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals and fiber which can enhance the immune system.
Learn more about the difference between natural and refined sugars
Do artificial sweeteners cause cancer?
You may have heard that artificial sweeteners are the culprit for the increased incidence of cancer in the United States. However, according to the National Cancer Institute, the scientific evidence is unclear whether the artificial sweeteners cause cancer. It is recommended that people limit the amount of artificial sweeteners they consume, and practice moderation. Natural sweeteners like Stevia, Truvia and honey may provide healthier options.
Does eating processed meats cause cancer?
Processed meats are meats that have been preserved by smoking, curing or salting, or by the addition of preservatives. This includes salami, hot dogs and sausage. A study found a correlation between eating processed meats and pancreatic cancer. When meats are smoked, they absorb tars that arise from the incomplete combustion process. The tars contain carcinogens that are chemically similar to tars in tobacco.
Although there is a correlation between eating processed foods and cancer, the FDA has not ruled processed meats as too dangerous to consume. Experts agree it’s best to limit consumption. The World Cancer Research Fund recommends eating no more than about 16 ounces of cooked red and/or processed meat per week. For reference, three ounces of cooked meat is roughly the size of a deck of cards.
Learn more about foods and drinks linked to cancer.
Does eating grilled foods cause cancer?
It’s true that cooking meats at high temperatures over an open flame can produce two kinds of carcinogens: heterocyclic amines (HCAs) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). Consuming these carcinogens may increase your chance of developing colorectal cancer and stomach cancer.
Reducing the temperature at which you grill can produce substantially less HCAs. Choose leaner cuts of meat, since less fat will limit the amount of smoke produced during grilling, and try to avoid eating charred pieces. Also, keep in mind that grilled fruits and vegetables don’t form HCAs or PAHs, so load up on these healthy alternatives.
The use of marinades and spice rubs can reduce the formation of HCAs by up to 90 percent. For meats that are difficult to marinate, try kneading in spices, such as turmeric and/or black pepper.
Learn more about the link between grilled meats and breast cancer
Does the alkaline diet help prevent cancer?
People who are proponents of the alkaline diet believe that you should eat food that matches the chemistry, or pH, of your blood. And, since blood is slightly alkaline, eating foods that cause your body to produce acid can pose serious health risks. When a person eats a high-acid diet, the theory is it makes your body more vulnerable to disease. On the flip side, eating an alkaline-friendly diet is purported to help protect you from disease, including cancer. Although there is currently no evidence to support this, experts agree that the alkaline diet (which consists of fresh fruit, vegetables, nuts and legumes with limited quantities of meat and dairy) is a traditionally healthy way to eat, whether or not alkalinity plays a role in disease prevention.
Does juicing help fight cancer?
A diet high in fruits and vegetables has been shown to reduce cancer risk and improve overall health. Although juicing is a great way to incorporate more fruits and vegetables into your diet, juices should not replace whole foods. Your first five servings of vegetables and fruits should come from whole foods, not juice. If you’re meeting this five-a-day goal already, juicing is a great way to add more servings into an already healthy diet.