Karen Taylor,


Physician Assistant, City of Hope Phoenix

Karen Taylor - Physician Assistant

At City of Hope, we put the needs of our patients first.

City of Hope Phoenix
14200 West Celebrate Life Way
Goodyear, AZ 85338
Physician Assistants
Advanced degrees:
MS, Physician Assistant Studies - Arizona School of Health Sciences, Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine, Mesa
National Commission on Certification of Physician Assistants
About Me

“I believe in providing evidence-based medicine combined with comprehensive supportive care,” says Karen Taylor, Physician Assistant in Medical Oncology at City of Hope Phoenix. “That is the approach we offer here.”

Taylor earned her Associates Degree in Nursing at Yavapai College in Prescott, Arizona, in 1992, and worked as a nurse at a large medical facility in Scottsdale, Arizona, for ten years. She earned a Bachelor of Science in Applied Management at Grand Canyon University in 1998, and completed her Master of Science in Physician Assistant Studies at Arizona School of Health Sciences, Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine, in 2000. Her academic training included clinical rotations in internal medicine, family practice, emergency medicine, internal medicine, orthopedic surgery, and other areas.

From 2002 to 2009, Taylor practiced as a Physician Assistant for a large neurosurgery practice. She then worked at a hospital emergency department where she evaluated patients, ordered diagnostic studies, and developed treatment plans.

Taylor joined City of Hope in March 2010. Her initial focus was on surgical oncology, assisting with surgeries and procedures as well as evaluating and treating patients in the inpatient and outpatient setting. She has transitioned to medical oncology, working closely with medical oncologists to evaluate patients, develop and initiate treatment plans, order chemotherapy, and attend to other patient needs.

A Licensed Physician Assistant by the State of Arizona, Taylor is certified by the National Commission on the Certification of Physician Assistants.

When she is not at City of Hope she enjoys competitive tennis and singing on the worship team at her church.


Patient ratings
Star ratings and comments are only available for medical, radiation and gynecologic oncologists. Gynecologic surgical offerings are not included at this time due to a different survey tool required to evaluate these services. CTCA uses a validated Press Ganey® survey, which captures patient experience feedback for the primary oncology services of chemotherapy and radiation therapy at our comprehensive care and research centers. Following industry best practice, star ratings and comments are only published for physicians with a minimum of 30 completed patient surveys.