Irina Vigovskaya,


Physician Assistant, City of Hope Chicago

Irina Vigovskaya - Physician Assistant

Patients should be made to feel comfortable enough to express their needs and share their concerns with their doctors.

City of Hope Chicago
2520 Elisha Avenue
Zion, IL 60099
Physician Assistants
Advanced degrees:
Master of Medical Science - St. Francis University, Loretta, PA
RN - Kiev Nursing College, Kiev, Ukraine
National Commission on Certification of Physician Assistants
About Me

“After working with cancer patients for years, I have come to see what a difference the right medical team can make in their lives,” says Irina Vigovskaya, a physician assistant on the radiation oncology team at City of Hope Chicago. “I want to be as helpful as possible to my patients.”

Originally from Ukraine, Vigovskaya completed a registered nurse program at Kiev Nursing College in 1990. She served as a registered nurse at Kiev Student Hospital for several years before coming to the United States. She then earned a bachelor’s degree in biology at the University of Illinois at Chicago in 2004. She went onto complete a master’s degree in medical science at St. Francis University in Loretta, Pennsylvania.

Previously, Vigovskaya served as a physician assistant at a private medical practice in Chicago. Her work included diagnosing and treating patients, prescribing medication, performing follow-up exams and counseling patients on health maintenance. After caring for many cancer patients, she decided to turn her focus to oncology. She joined City of Hope in May 2014.

Vigovskaya is certified as a physician assistant by the National Commission on Certification of Physician Assistants.

Vigovskaya is dedicated to providing Patient Empowered Care® at City of Hope. She says, “I keep my patients informed of their options, and offer guidance and support throughout their cancer journey.”

Patient ratings
Star ratings and comments are only available for medical, radiation and gynecologic oncologists. Gynecologic surgical offerings are not included at this time due to a different survey tool required to evaluate these services. CTCA uses a validated Press Ganey® survey, which captures patient experience feedback for the primary oncology services of chemotherapy and radiation therapy at our comprehensive care and research centers. Following industry best practice, star ratings and comments are only published for physicians with a minimum of 30 completed patient surveys.