Samantha Edwards,


Naturopathic Provider

Samantha Edwards - Naturopathic Oncology Provider

I believe health is a very complex and dynamic process that requires a balance of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual influences. It is unique to each cancer patient, which is why they benefit greatly from the highly individualized care they are able to receive at City of Hope.

City of Hope Chicago
2520 Elisha Avenue
Zion, IL 60099
Naturopathic Support
Advanced degrees:
Doctorate, Naturopathic Medicine - National University of Health Sciences, Lombard, IL
BA, Pre-Med - University of Wisconsin, Madison
Fellow, American Board of Naturopathic Oncology
About Me

As Samantha Edwards was working toward her doctorate in naturopathic medicine, she helped a friend who was her age through cancer treatment. The experience inspired her to learn more about how naturopathic support could be used in conjunction with cancer treatments to help people feel stronger throughout their fight and possibly reduce side effects.

“I knew I wanted to join City of Hope because they are constantly raising the bar when it comes to providing patient-focused, integrative cancer care," says Edwards.

Edwards completed her residency in naturopathic support at Cancer Treatment Centers of America Tulsa, and in July 2014, she joined City of Hope Chicago. She provides consultation regarding safe use of dietary supplements that may help patients reduce side effects that may be caused by treatment.

“My goals for patients are to guide them and offer appropriate suggestions to educate and empower them,” she says.

Edwards earned a doctorate degree in naturopathic medicine from National University of Health Sciences in Lombard, Illinois, and received a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

When she is not at City of Hope, Edwards enjoys spending time with her husband and son, playing the piano and violin, and cooking.

Patient ratings
Star ratings and comments are only available for medical, radiation and gynecologic oncologists. Gynecologic surgical offerings are not included at this time due to a different survey tool required to evaluate these services. CTCA uses a validated Press Ganey® survey, which captures patient experience feedback for the primary oncology services of chemotherapy and radiation therapy at our comprehensive care and research centers. Following industry best practice, star ratings and comments are only published for physicians with a minimum of 30 completed patient surveys.